Well I can see why some people think it's unfair, but it isn't. I mean, after reading that, I'm concerned that nothing is professional. And I'm glad you came to Newgrounds because then you'd be at Disney or something, you wouldn't get any credit, and nothing on Newgrounds would ever be as good as Brackenwood.
Everyone loves your movies, and I think if you make one each year, it'll always win tank award. I can see how people think that is cheap, but you probably spend a lot of time and effort to produce something as good as this. Some people don't realize this but when I saw the opening scenes of Waterlollies, I was amazed at how good you can animate the water and the feather thing to make it look realistic, and that doesn't seem like something one person could do.
In short, you deserve to be on Newgrounds and we honor you for your hard work. Of course, you probably have to take away parts of your life for these shorts, plus they probably cost money. So... anyone who loves Brackenwood, go and buy some Bitey T-shirts!
wow i like how much passion u put into ur work and i was wondering how u eep urmind focus and dertermend to keep geting better at what u do