Adam Phillips @chluaid

Age 95, Male


Hard Knocks

Bitey Castle, top floor

Joined on 3/26/04

Exp Points:
203 / 280
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.20 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
10y 1m

wow i like how much passion u put into ur work and i was wondering how u eep urmind focus and dertermend to keep geting better at what u do

Well I can see why some people think it's unfair, but it isn't. I mean, after reading that, I'm concerned that nothing is professional. And I'm glad you came to Newgrounds because then you'd be at Disney or something, you wouldn't get any credit, and nothing on Newgrounds would ever be as good as Brackenwood.

Everyone loves your movies, and I think if you make one each year, it'll always win tank award. I can see how people think that is cheap, but you probably spend a lot of time and effort to produce something as good as this. Some people don't realize this but when I saw the opening scenes of Waterlollies, I was amazed at how good you can animate the water and the feather thing to make it look realistic, and that doesn't seem like something one person could do.

In short, you deserve to be on Newgrounds and we honor you for your hard work. Of course, you probably have to take away parts of your life for these shorts, plus they probably cost money. So... anyone who loves Brackenwood, go and buy some Bitey T-shirts!


200 comment! yaay! are you planning any release fro next brackenwood??

You've always been an inspiration for me, and you've definitely raised the bar for what people expect out of flash movies here on Newgrounds.

I kinda feel bad because I feel like I've done the opposite. =\

But! Honestly it's largely because of you that I want to improve my flashing/animating abilities. Bit by bit I will work.

Man your stuff is always funny.. my goal is to learn how to write great dialogue, so I'm envious of guys like you and JohnnyUtah. Keep up the good work man.
Your animation is hilarious too, you got a fan here :D

EGORAPTOR? Well I didn't know good flash makers envy other good flash makers. But no, I don't think Egoraptor is making NG look bad. Most cartoons are just for fun anyway, so Awesome is just another random series that makes us laugh. However, I must say this is definitely better than Awesome, because while Awesome is just for a cheap laugh and it gets old, this never gets old, and I find myself watching it over and over again =D

hey i sew your works of this LittleFoot and YoYu and all this stuff and i have question for you:
want to take this char of all thoose movies and build a game with me?(ill do the as)and the game will be like DMC-Devil May Cry but in 2D and it will looks cool!
so what you say?

sounds good but unfortunately I have too much to do already. I've already made a game with someone and it took up loads of time. I may do another game down the track.. one day when my workload has thinned out a bit :)

I was just wondering, is there an mp3 for any of the music in your bitey flashes? I love the music and wish I could have it to bring with me places.

For years now I've planned to release a big downloadable pack of all the music from my movies in iPod format, but it's tough finding the time for it. One day I'll get around to it though and I'll announce it on my blog and probably here too.

Congrats, your awesome. You are very inspiring, and just as Tom had said, you do make me want to improve. I love your work, and hope that I can be as good as you some day.

By the way, are your British?

Australian :)

Hey, The user Sakupen has Prowlies at the river in his videos submitted, yet when i click it only shows you on the left side of the page for the video. Was he actually involved in that video?

You might be looking at his favourites.

Know what? Have you been on the news yet? I mean your pretty popular in my view..My friends love ur work..This year I showed all my friends your Bitey cartoons and the others (All their favorites were Prowlies at the river). My little brother always scurries to the computer when I say "NEW BITEY CARTOON!"Lol, The Yuyu is my favorite of all time because its just so awesome seeing Bitey run away from the yuyu. Well anyways my friends and family are very happy that you won the Tankie, Your inspiration to us all and me when I work on my flash cartoons 8)

If I've ever been on the news, I didn't know about it :P
Glad your friends and little bro like the Brackenwood stuff.. I hope they like what's to come!


1st - You're awesome, nuf said there.

2nd - You could redo the movie I Am Legend, replace Will Smith with yourself, replace the plot with your life, but keep the title...

lol thx :)

I was looking through one of the first sites I'd ever seen with flash on it, and I noticed that there was a video called "Bitey Learns", which was what they had titled your animation of Bitey of Brackenwood, in the list. It said your name under the authors, but had the wrong name, so I was curious. Especially when I saw the exact video, but called "Bitey of Brackenwood" and it said that it was by "XGen Studios.

Everything was found on 2Dplay.com, and the links to the seperate animations are at:

<a href="http://2dplay.com/bitey-learns/bitey-learns-info.htm">http://2dplay.com/bitey-learns/bitey-


<a href="http://2dplay.com/bitey-of-brackenwood/bitey-of-brackenwood-info.htm">http://2dplay.com/bitey-of-brackenwoo d/bitey-of-brackenwood-info.htm</a>

I hope I helped in some way to stop plagerism :D

I was hoping to send this in a PM, but you only take PMs from your contacts :(

thanks for the links. I've given up on worrying about that movie.. there's nothing I can do about it really and ever since Bitey of Brackenwood, I've added protection code into my movies. Bitey is the only one without protection code so it's scattered all over the place. Doesn't do any good worrying about it.. it just makes me more determined to protect the new movies properly, hopefully without lessening the viewer's experience.

Thanks again
ps. yeah PMs are too difficult for me to keep up with, so I had to disable it, soz :/

Well I wanted to say something really nice but honestly everything has been said and it would sound redundant. Great work man.


Hello, I was so captivated by your Little Foot, WaterLollies and The Yuyu flashes. They are absoluutly amazing. Just wanted to say that first, KEEP THEM COMING!!!

On a different note, I was hoping to be able to have them on my desktop to be viewed when I dont have an internet Connection but I noticed that this is not possible, so i am asking if I could have a version without the protection so I can save it on my computer.

Please message me on this, Thank you, See ya!!!

glad you like the Brackenwood stuff, thanks for the comments :)
The protection code is a necessary evil, especially when Newgrounds sponsors my movies, so it's only fair that I make the movies exclusive to NG (and my own site of course).

I have been shown some code that allows the movies to be played on peoples' desktop though, so I'll be using that in future stuff.

How far are you with the Bbrackenwood movie? I really don't want to pressure you since I know it's hard and you've got lots of stuff to do, but I'm quite curious.

The Brackenwood movie is still in its rough, early stages. It'll be some time before I can announce any real progress but I'm determined to tell a good story and NOT rush into anything with dollar signs in my eyes. This is something I'm passionate about so I'm going to see it done right :D

In the meantime, I hope to release some shorter, more frequent, story-driven Brackenwood shorts here on NG.

Yeah stay! It's awesome to see your stuff!

you've definetly made the best animation on newgrounds. waterlollies is at #3!

-when is the next brakenwood animation coming out?

couldn't say for sure.. I'm full up with freelance for the next couple of months, but I usually do Brackenwood stuff between freelance jobs, so perhaps in the near future I'll start on a new one. Thanks for the comment :)

hey where is the best place to find water lollies and what the lore is musical storm?

You can see Waterlollies here on NG, on my site and on youtube.com/user/chluaid. The best quality (if your computer can handle it) is here on NG or on my site, and the best playback speed (if you're not on dialup) is on youTube.

The musical storm is 100% Brackenwood lore (i.e. my own concept)

That you are a fantastic artist?

did you also know, that really huge kinda creepy pedophile guy used your characters in his most recent flash?

<a href="<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/448262">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /448262</a>">His latest Flash</a>

Im not sure if youre ok with that, so i just decided to tell you anyways.
sure he has the right of expression, but this is your intellectual property,
so... yea, just wanted you to note, so you can make your own choice.

ugh, rick.
Thanks :P

it's a pretty funny Bitey parody though hehe

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