Adam Phillips @chluaid

Age 95, Male


Hard Knocks

Bitey Castle, top floor

Joined on 3/26/04

Exp Points:
203 / 280
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> 100,000
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Bitey on Kickstarter

Posted by chluaid - July 15th, 2011

Want some Bitey stuff? Pledge ye, and take up thy rewards.

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Today we launched our Kickstarter campaign to help us finish Dashkin. Check out those rewards, including a limited run of exclusive Bitey plushes hand made by the incredible MoriChax.

Bitey on Kickstarter



thank you in advance you lovely Frozen person you


^ much appreciated :)

I shall donate when I get paid next week :)

Your FB posts and tweets are valuable in themselves.

Looking great man. Good luck

thanks man!

I would donate if I had a bank account, :'C

just tell your friends, link it on Facebook, etc. Cash is nice but word of mouth is important :D

Hay! aren't you Australian? How come you get to use Kickstarter?

Sean McGee is from Austin TX. It's under his name.

$20,000 to make a flash game? Really?

How much would YOU like to earn for 8-10 months of full time work? Then split it 50-50% with your colleague, not to mention added costs of music and audio.

I look forward to squeezing my plushie whilst beta-testing your beautiful looking game. Also, can I opt to get my wife's name in the zombie game over myself?

And, no, not because I plan to shoot her undead corpse... no ...

absolutely! and thanks for your support man :)

Adam Phillips... I got your name deep in my memory... actualy I've been following your job for a long time... and each time I see something new from you it's getting slighlty better, it seems it never stops haha

Now when I hear "animation" i think to you too, because of all the great work you've done till now... I realy would like to animate like you but i don't have enough time for it... hopefully there are poeple like you to entertain other people.

I got a question : have you learned animation by yourself or by school or something?.

However you're an Animator but an animator with a BIG A lol one of the best lol... go on man never stops (I'm still waiting for the next sequence of your story... i'm wondering what's going to happen now)

Thanks! The LotD sequel is still in the works and actually making progress. It'll come after the game. To answer your question, I've always been able to draw but I was lucky enough to get a job in an animation studio. I learned animation there

Man I wish I could donate something. Sadly I don't have the power to do so right now. But I'll definitely try to spread the word as much as I can.

thanks :D

If I had any money at all, I would donate. I have nothing more to offer but my spirit, and my hope that this awesome game is completed soon!

Your soul is all I want. SPIRIT! ... I mean Spirit.

FUCK YOU you fucking beggar faggot

it doesnt cost money for you to animate, kickstarter should only be for things that require capital to make

take the time to fucking make the cartoon and youll get sponsored and money from views and shit, you dont need to fucking beg people to pay you

fuck you faggot you are scum you are lower than shit you are a beggar

I'd say "busker". Beggars don't give anything in return.

we'll be soon deleting registar's account for growing up in a poor household with lousy parents that didn't teach him manners or encourage any kind intelligence.

I think an actual beggar spoke to me like that once.

to registar for his very helpful comment, you best be smartening up boy, after they have been working on this GAME, not cartoon for over 8 months they are going to be needing money, this money helps the game become ad free and also helps them create future games/cartoons. i would donate but i have no money at all and if i did my parents would get really pissed, wish i could help, sorry:(

word of mouth is as good as any pledge, thanks man :)

What registrar was trying to say was he donated $5000

aaaaah.. well in that case, drying my tears in 3 - 2 - 1... WOOOO!

Dude, looks great. I'll try to donate some cash if I can

This is going to be amazing, and if I can I'll defiantly donate! Seems worth the cause.

@Registrar: You think it doesn't cost money to animate instead of go to work? I'm not sure if that's the case hear of not, but animation can be expensive, and financial backing is required.

S'not much, but I threw in 10 bucks. Good luck to you and your team on completing this project, lookin' forward to see it come to fruition. :]

Every pledge helps, thanks for being involved and I hope you like your collector cards :D

What Registrar was actually saying is "Because I have the common vocabulary of the everyday American, thus I swear so much, I am allowed to use my intelligence gained from learning what I propose as a backlash towards you with added numerals and swears, therefore trying too hard to create a sense of meaningful insult that will make you in the end result feel poor in your decision to take up offerings, and due to that process you will proceed to take donations for one of the most anticipated games on here, not forgetting that I am a jealous bipartite, as I have not allowed myself to apply my own skills towards making pixel art and possibly pixel art games, only so I can give the meaningful reviews and comments posted on others' front page posts with only the original tenacity and humility that proves me as what I have stated in all of the above sentences. To think otherwise provides me the evidence that you are a futile arguer that bitterly sticks out to the very end in every bit of segment that composes of a degenerated societal producer."

OR, for those that tl;dr

Swear swear somewhat argumentative proclamation swear tries to support my swearing with more swears and being simple-minded as I try to lower your standards and get people to agree with trolling.

OR, tl;dr



Great progress, disregarding that this is the longest comment i've ever really made, I hope you regard that I'll support your work, and congratulate on your labor. I would appreciate donating my money, that is, when I do manage to get past an interview I am seeking currently. The fruit of it all will be wonderful when you finish. Take care.

I like your interpretation. Cheers man :D

If I do get my new job, my first paycheck is mostly going towards your new game. Cheers!

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