I guess my first post here should be an apology to Brackenwood fans for the delay on Waterlollies. If you've been to the Alphas page and seen that Waterlollies is now due for release, July 22 was a hugely optimistic deadline, especially since I recently went and added about 1-2 minutes to the movie to improve the story (a punishment I ALWAYS inflict on myself when I'm halfway through a project or near the end).
Rather than set another date, I'm posting regular updates on my blog and including a graph so you can watch my progress. Right now (2am Aug 21) I'm about 82% done. For those reading this who don't know already, Waterlollies will be one movie, but I'm working on it in three parts: A, B and C. Parts A and B are complete and I'm now about halfway through part C.
When the animation is complete, I'll post a rough version for my forum members, before I package it up neatly and upload to NG. The schedule I'm keeping tells me I should be done in mid-September, but the exact date will depend on when the music guy (Nathan McCree, the composer who scored the Tomb Raider games) is finished.
I'll post here if there are any more delays, but I'm pretty sure Waterlollies will be a September release (yes to the smartarse who asked, that'll be 2007).
Seeya then!
Take your time. I'm sure Waterlollies will be great. :)