Suuuuuuuuuuuure. Blame it on a "exploit". But really Waterlollies! is a step up, and im proud of you!
Age 94, Male
Hard Knocks
Bitey Castle, top floor
Joined on 3/26/04
Suuuuuuuuuuuure. Blame it on a "exploit". But really Waterlollies! is a step up, and im proud of you!
Spoil Sport
This happend to Kringles too I hope it dosn't happen to me next.
wow that blows... where and who was it?
Apparently it's fixed now. I think.
yep it's fixed now.
woah im so glad it wasnt u!
turd of the week is not worthy of you
woot take out those damn spammers!!
Bah! That's all we could expect from 12 year old morons! Spamers! Scum on the Internet and scum in real life!
1. They have no life at all, no projects, no girlfriend, no success, and so they waste their time trying to annoy others over the Internet, since this is the only place where they can annoy a person without having their scrawny faces hammered into the inside of their bodies!
2.Due to their inability at any kind of impressive skill, be it digital art or anything else. They feel a need, out of some mutated form of envy, to "attack" those with some skill, reputation, etc. over the only way they feel safe (as stated before, the Internet). However, by the end of the day, skillful artists will still have their works, fame and reputation, and the spammers and lowlifes will still just be talentless scum.
Will there ever be another hitchHiker, please
what animation program did u use im a total noob so i don't know plz tell me my name is DOOKxOFxCHAOS.
^ Macromedia flash. He used the CS3 version for this I believe ^
Littlefoot,Waterlollies how do you can make this.
Its too,too,too perfect. I am your fan xD
love your stuff.. but you allready know that!
this is a brilliant animation you are my favourate animator and bitey looks so cool
I hate when that happens... but are you saying it wont happen again? thats cool
do you roleplay at all? i wanna know where you got the idea for waterlollies, because that was truely byond imagination. i finnaly worked up the courage to say that (took about 2 minuts)...
C is for cookie
that's good enough for me
oh C is for cookie
that's good enough for me
oh C is for cookie
that's good enougfh for me
oh cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C!
Problem is solved. Should be fixed for the other authers soon.