Take all the time you need, you sexy thang.
Age 95, Male
Hard Knocks
Bitey Castle, top floor
Joined on 3/26/04
Take all the time you need, you sexy thang.
id like to make an amv for bitey. is that alrte? u dnt allow pms so i had to ask here. plz answer soon! thank u!
y'know it's been 2 months since it was "next month", what worries me is you haven't said ANYTHING since then... you ok man?
wow cool, I can't wait for it!!!!!!!!!
Bitey is the badass sonic could never be muhahaha!
I just really can't imagine bitey fighting.....Like combat wise.....so this has got to be a detailed graphic speed based platformer.....(Like fancy pants and sonic)
Yeah, I got all excited over this... But I really should have checked the date first!! :(
more than 2 months over do?
wtf, how big is this game gonna be?
I got a little phrase I use for bitey. " Rip Roarin' ", that is to say he moves so fast he tears across the land, and rips it apart!! I've always loved bitey and He's what motivated me to become an animator. In fact I was just blundering around the internet when I came across your first brackenwood film to feature bitey, and since then I knew I wanted to be an animator. So I owe you a lot man. I can't wait to see this game come out, but just one question. Will there be "Rip Raorin' "?
wow awesome sell the game! or something......or the OST.....but we'd love the game too!
wow awesome sell the game! or something......or the OST.....but we'd love the game too!
actually i think it wud be interesting if you could give a trailer for the game, telling a story of bitey's past and the connection with the witch/sorceress and such. I think it'd be nice to have a story game where we can discover more about bitey and brackenwood. it'd be godly <3
grate,can't wait!
*Snaps* Got it. EpicMealTime. I knew I recognized that tune from somewhere...
i saw that you said things change... well can't wait! hope it's as awesome as dragon age remix!
If it's made by you... it's awesome!
Looks good, take as much time as you need but don't keep us waiting.
Waiting for the game!!
"Best things take time?" I'm putting all my bet on that statement