Damn I was just here checking out your messages 5 minutes ago.
Age 95, Male
Hard Knocks
Bitey Castle, top floor
Joined on 3/26/04
Damn I was just here checking out your messages 5 minutes ago.
Also I might add.. As it's 2am here in Perth.. I assume it's about 4-5am over there..
Up late finishing it off I assume? Nothing wrong with a bit of dedication I suppose :P
Did a double-take when I saw your message and I "ran" to the portal to check if you'd submitted it but you hadn't and I was all "aww".
Happy to see it's almost done though! Muy love
I can't wait to see this...shades of Miyazaki.
I really can't wait, it looks awesome :D
Beautiful as always. Why do you need an actionscript guy? I'm curious.
Nice, i CAN wait to see it because i know it will blow my mind away. Good luck to ya
Wow, telling the people here too? you must really be ready then =D
I can't wait.
cant wait, knowing you've assembled a great team of people.
Well done, I feel happy for you for some reason :D
Can't wait to see it.
Awesome! I can't wait!
Hello, how are you?
Woooohooooooooo! (Maybe a bit over-dimensioned) That looks awesome! I can't wait.
Releases this on the 27th (my birthday) and i will forever love you. not that i dont already love you.
Sounds insanely awesome.
I can barely hold my excitement! XD
Yay! I can't wait!
Damn, that made me even more bored, because now i know i gotta wait 5 days >_<
Looking forward to it Adam!
Best of luck :)