hey adam,
why dont you post your 30 shorts here?
Age 95, Male
Hard Knocks
Bitey Castle, top floor
Joined on 3/26/04
hey adam,
why dont you post your 30 shorts here?
I put a couple of the 30 shorts into NG Bytesize, but they're too small to post individually to the portal. Maybe I'll put them all in one movie someday but it'll have to go at the bottom of my to-do list ;)
Is there an affordable version of this software? They're selling it for $600 here :O
you can get student versions for a fraction of the cost.. aside from that, try ebay for an early version of Flash. A friend of mine got MX2004 (version 7) on eBay for about $60. Flash 8 was the first one to have Blur though.
LOL i came here to critize that you havent made anything xD but now i know that you are pretty busy on your chapters, i really really need to read them, but i dont have enough time! i mean, with school , videogames and my own original stye drawings there is no time to learn flash and I really need it, btw, could you please please PLEASE if you have time and all, check my drawings out, and tell me where I can improve, or if they are okay, or just comment on them, please i will thank you a lot, like if i had your msn or yahoo i would send you 100 pages filled of the word "Thanks" or "you are my idol" , because in a way you are, i wanna be like you seriously man, who doesnt? well at least not me! xD
PS: I made this comment big enough for someone to watch it, i hope it works!!!
It worked!
Good luck with your own stuff and I hope you like the rest of the BCA book.
(ps. I don't use IMs except for work, sorry man)
You're my hero
I love the layout of the chapters so far, man.
thanks! Trying to keep things uncluttered but packed with good info :)
ur an excellent teacher! i kno how to do all of the stuff u highlighted so far, but i must say i didn't mind 'relearning' it. if u ever publish that book i will buy it! the exercises are really great if i were a beginner i would have been freaking out at the fun i'd be having, i'm anxiously awaiting the next chapter, i just can't wait til u r at thing i don't know so that i really be learning!
glad you like it so far. Chapter 3 is a couple of days away now.
Hey I'm an extremely big fan of your work. I'm doing a picture of Bitey for the NG Print Calendar '09 competition, and I was wondering if you could give me some tips regarding the Brackenwood world. I'd like to know how to capture the beauty in the way that you do. I've already drawn the basic Bitey sketch, it's just a matter of inking and colouring. If you could help me, maybe even give me a reference I would be extremely greatful. If you could reply ASAP that would be great, as I only have 6 days to complete it.
P.S. I'll post the Bitey sketch in my Art thread <a href="<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/974116">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/9 74116</a>">here</a>
I couldn't send you a PM.
sorry I saw this message too late.
Scrolling through the comments, I said to myself "OH EMM GEE HE PLAYS WoW!".
I bet you're a Horde player...seeing that, on the majority of realms, they don't suck as much as most Alliance players do personality wise. I'm an Alliance paladin...and I see trade chat filled with Chuck Norris and erotic stories A LOT lol.
I'd love to learn flash! I'm terribad with drawing...but everyone starts somewhere I guess! lol
I'd definitely take your lessons into consideration when I have the $ for them though....=)
Yep, Horde ftw!
I'm on an Oceanic server called Khaz'goroth.. character name ßitey (with the Alt 0223 special B)
You're a great person! I really admire you!
Napolean, you ever heard of the barrens chat? more chuck norris spam there than anywhere
Has flash cs4 been released yet?
Hey thanks this is rly helpful
hey, i was browsing Newgrounds and i saw your excellent animations, thought i'd comment you to say that they are awesome :)
Hey, a few bucks does actually seem good for a tut, especially from you, and it's nice that you give em to us for free, well, for now at least. But, might I propose somethin? I'd say if you're gonna sell the tuts, people should gat a couple of free tuts if they buy a shirt. More of a coupon or somethin if they buy shirts, or you can do it the other way around, which is letting them buy the tuts and getting a coupon for shirts. Iunno, just figured I'd drop a line here for my opinion. Nice stuff, keep it all up.
Thanks, that's a nice idea.. I'll seriously consider it!
I seriously doubt I have the patience to use flash for animation, but I suppose it's worth a try....
Pretty nice. But wow, I've never even noticed the Subselection tool, it never seemed needed or anything. I've read the 2 free parts, that was good for those who begin flash. I wish you'd release a part (free one) where you explain your skeleton and skinning techniques. That'd be awesome.
Btw, what kind of a tablet do you use?
Wacom Intuos 3
9 x 12
This is very neat!
I'm sorry about your shitty publisher, anyone would get uber-upset after being put into a situation like that. But it's great that you have returned to positive spirits and decided to rewrite it for us all! Hope the revenue feeds you well.
Despite my best wishes for you and this, though, it's generally my advice for people not to buy books on topics relating to technology or media. The internet is so huge these days that there are many great, free and easy-to-find tutorials and e-books for almost everything you can think of, especially technological and media ones, including Flash. And most of the sold books regarding tech/media that are out there are often pirated a lot. Piracy cannot be stopped, so I'd worry about that a little. But you have your a big loyal fanbase, you're constantly in the top 50 of Newgrounds, the chapters only cost $2-$5 each and it looks like you're paying special attention to the non-tech-savvy and book-buying traditional artists moving onto digital art, so you shouldn't worry about all of this as much as most people, I think. But in my opinion making tech instructional books and software is a pretty risky business in this day and age, since not only do they have to worry about usual piracy issues, but sold instructions and software are most prone to having awesome free alternatives.
My personal advice to -anyone- looking to contribute anything to the world that can be downloaded via the internet (software, music, games, movies, books) is to embrace and flow of the exponentially speeding up river of piracy instead of trying to build a dam it to stop it. Instead of selling your products and possibly implementing anti-consumer DRM systems that can be broken by a smart cow in them, look for other (and better) ways to generate revenue. Along with the huge rises of piracy, flying right along with it has been the profits generated from advertising. If more big companies stopped selling their games and instead made it free and focused on implementing ingame ads to generate profits (which EA is already trying to do), game piracy would most likely become a thing of the past. The same thing goes for music, books, software and movies. Piracy is nothing more than the human soul wishing to be free. You can also just profit from merchandise and donations instead of advertising, like quite a many webcomics do.
Nonetheless, I don't think you have too much to worry about in particular. I wish you the best of luck with this! I'll probably buy one of the more specialized books as I already know the basic ropes. Flash special FX advice from one of the most talented and hardworking Flash animators sounds nice.
all good points. I plan on selling the chapters individually but I'll give buyers the option of paying $30 then all subsequent chapters for them are downloadable as they're released. I'm not a fan of DRM either but I'm more concerned that other authors would try to sell or publish parts of my ebook, just like other Flash "artists" have tried to use parts of my animation. For that reason I am looking into some non-irritating security measures.
id pay for one if it were on your water effect and/or ambient lighting (that can be a real pain)
the effects chapter will be ch5.
Adam, you are a prince!