Its cool you got the first tank!!
Age 95, Male
Hard Knocks
Bitey Castle, top floor
Joined on 3/26/04
Its cool you got the first tank!!
heheh... yeaaaa... im all the way down here... im in the cool spot no one will find me here cuz this is my cool spot... yeaaaaa...
Your story and success is not only an inspiration to upcoming animators, but to everyone who has ever dreamed.
I love your animations and you deserve everything that comes your way.
Hey, i have messaged you ages ago about how i can create flash animations :D and i have finally made something i am proud of lol, Well there is one issue that i could only think of asking you. I'm trying to upload it to new grounds and when i do say it says
Error- you are attempting to upload a file with the extension
your file must have one of the following extensions
And i do not know how to put my .fla animation to .swf, and its a big problem because its stopping me from posting on new grounds, so please message back and i am sorry for wasting time as you probably have much to do.
Looking forward to hearing from you and thanks again!
hey i just wanted to say tht your stuff is truly amazing. always brighten my day when things are going rough just from the light heartedness and gorseus artwork tht you put into it.
p.s. do you have any advice for someoen whoo has nevr doen a flash before like wht flash program to use and other thing tht might be helpful.
Your animation and the world you create is fantastic. But every other aspect is lacking. Bad story, bad humour, its not bad, its not great. A 7 at best. I have total respect for you, but there is better. Not better animation, but better everything else
I doubt you will read this, but I have re-evaulated what I previously posted and apologize. Somewhat. Waterlollies was an improvement, even a great improvement. I have utmost respect for you. its just that everytime a good work gets downvoted by your blind followers, I cringe a little. I know its not your fault, but I can't help it. I still believe there are better movies, but all that you have done and alll you have inspired is huge. I respect you, and wish you the best of luck, espically with the movie. Congrats on the award, and heres to your next being even better.
absolutely. don't take any guff from these swine. i don't know what i'd do with myself on newgrounds if you weren't here. you are one of the reasons i keep coming back, and keep kicking myself to pick up a pencil. nothing but love...
i need to question something, how do you do the songs?
you use a special software to do it or you rec whit a true flute?
because i need one good sound maker software to personalise my owns animations.
plz adam answer me my question, ok?
i live u my e mail if u whant to chat whit me.
viva la raza, viva la vida, viva MEXICO!!!!! ajuuuaaaaa!!!!!!!.
Why hello there. I have couple questions because I fail and haven't been paying attention.
So, number one, how many more Brackenwood flashes do you plan on, if you even have a definite number?
Second, I know you aren't gonna rush it for money, but how much will the movie cost (if you have a general idea yet)?
As a parting note, you, sir, deserve every award you have recieved thusfar in your flash career.
I salute you.
I was blown away by waterlollies. Did you really draw the background frame by frame in the scene where Bitey ran away from the swarm?? Looked amazing
You're a great inspiration for me and lots of other artists all over the world. :)
I just left areview on your Waterlollies movie. I also added whther or not you'd thought of merch and putting your Anims on MTV but after reading this I see you are already WELL into an outstanding career. I had no idea you had a job at Disney that is highly incredible and unbelievably awesome. You deserve every single opportunity that arises because you are a phenomenal artist. My career path after college is to attend a Motion Graphics and Animation course at Uni. I hope to achieve a greatness as high as yours in both Flash and all aspects of Animation. Hopefully leading into CGI or other computer graphics areas. You are the biggest inspiration I can find and I have only higher hopes for the rest of your career I would love it if you could send me a message and tell me the projects you've worked on in your time at Disney. It would be great to research your background it would help my already Distinction Grade portfolio. Good Luck.
Hey, my names Drew. I've (not to sound any sort of creepy) fallen in love with your work. I wish I could do what you do!
Anyways, on to why I really messaged you...
Are you going to be making a movie any time soon? I mean movie as in over an hours length, something that would be put onto DVD instead of a website.
Or even a DVD series? Because I would love to see that, I would own them all!!!
And I should be getting a great job soon and I would actually be willing to donate a fair share to help you create one of the two....
You might not think I'm serious, but then again you don't know me :D for I am very serious!!!
My Email is....private message me for that haha!!!!!!
Feel free to message me either on my NG account or my Email.
From a fan to his idol
You deserve the awards. By the way you said on your site that in the movie youll have stuff that were hinted in your toons. Is one of them the weird bitey with cut hair in biteys dream in the prowles episode?
You're words are a real inspiration man.
I've always shown a keen interest in animation; especially character design, but I've always felt I lack the determination to constantly improve my abilities, but I now know for sure that I've gotta put a giant effort into it, spend most of my spare time drawing. I have no doubts I'll purchase your entire book for more inspiration and ideas. Thank you man, thanks a whole bunch.
you knew you were going to earn it you are amazing
Firstly, congratulations, on your awards and successes (fairly sure at this point, that thats how you spell successes, but feel free to correct that within your mind).
Secondly, I love your work, i think its amazing. I watched waterlollies today, and various other Brackenwood shorts, and i was all but speechless, and quick to recommend them to friends. In one of my comments (to waterlollies i think) i likened it to fantasia, this was before i heard that you were employed by disney, but i can see the influence, especially in waterlollies, but perhaps not so much in others. I do, however, like these more than fantasia, but maybe thats just my short attention span, and the fact that fantasia is quite long!!
Thirdly, thank you, for lightening newgrounds with your brilliance, i myself am not an animator, and know not the difficulty that people go into to produce animation. I can however with confidence say that your storymanship (think thats a word) is second to none on newgrounds, and that the charm of your creations is rarely seen on TV or film, let alone flash websites.
So when people say you do not belong on newgrounds, they are probably right. But for all the wrong reasons. You sir belong on television. I'd much rather see this in between MTV programs than 'The Happy Tree Friends' and thats coming from a guy that has a happy tree friends T-shirt!
keep up the good work